Just 4 months ago I decided I wanted to put on my own car show, having been involved in the classic car scene for the past 4 years +. The idea had always been in the back of my head that I wanted to start a classic car event with my own spin on things as I felt there wasn’t an event aimed at retro/modified classic cars and their owners. That’s when the idea for The OhSoRetro Show came into fruition; a couple of meetings with my old secondary school and a date and venue had been secured all I had to do know was organise it and get people to come along and that they did, over 250 cars and 2,000 people turned out for our first ever event which absolutely blew our minds, we never imagined that we would have so much interest in what we were calling a test to see if the interest was out there. All our advertising was done on a tiny budget and through hitting the local classic car shows and use of a lot of social media, which we love!!!
Cars and their owners travelled from all over the country (and even someone from Holland) bringing with them all manner of vehicles from modified Mk2 Golf’s to a beautifully restored vintage Austin 7 Ruby. Cars were bought out of winter hibernation, trailered and re-taxed just for the show, people really got behind this event which will be making a definite return to next year’s show calendar.

Lee Darby’s awesome Chevy Pick up drag car on display
Big thank you to all the clubs who came out in force Thanet Classics, Medway Monkeys, VAGingit, Ol Skoolers, TEC Warriors, Medway Street Cruisers, Invicta Roadsters and others.
Live music and trade stalls including a brilliant display of Sinclair C5’s by the C5 Alive club and display of vintage chopper bikes by no other than the local legend David Evans, kept us entertained throughout the day with thanks to Phase 2 Discos for supplying background music, Gabe and the Ottermen for their folk inspired sound, Angelo Tristan Band for their truly awesome rock covers in the afternoon and two performances from the 1st Margate Boys’ and Girls’ Brigade marching band who we were raising funds for on the day (Well over £350).
Top Ten awards were handed out at the end of the day with the ethos being this isn’t a concourse event its whatever turns the judges heads (Also we hate event where they only give prizes to their mates) with winners including a modified Mk2 Rallye Golf, Gunmetal Grey Mini, Fiat 500, Triumph TR5, El Camino, a slammed Vauxhall victor, a supercharged morris minor traveller and more.

We love Trevor’s slammed Vauxhall Victor
This is a show NOT to miss for next year and if anyone wants to keep in touch or find anything out about OhSoRetro Events (or buy any of our awesome merch) head to www.ohsoretro.co.uk like us on Facebook (facebook.com/OhSoRetroEvents) Follow us on Twitter or Instagram @OhSoRetroEvents

Dan Mills wide arched carbon roofed beauty.

Will Martin’s patina Viva GT. This car always turns our head.